Product composition, authenticity and quality
ILVO can determine the amount of moisture (dry matter), fat, protein and other composition components such as sugars, fatty acids, minerals, .... in food products. ILVO also has the experience to optimise recipes.
ILVO also carries out authenticity analyses. The quality determination of food products includes several components: heating parameters (HMF, furosine, ...), enzyme activity (lipolysis, proteolysis, ...) and physical properties. The latter can be measured using different parameters, such as °Brix (refractometer), particle size distribution (laser diffraction), density (DX/densimeter), rheology (rheometer), physical stability (turbiscan), hardness/texture/TPA (texture meter) and colour (reflection/transmission).
- Composition: Hadewig Werbrouck +32 9 272 30 18 and Barbara Duquenne +32 9 272 30 50
- Authenticity: Barbara Duquenne +32 9 272 30 50
- Physical properties: Barbara Duquenne +32 9 272 30 50