Former Extrudeur


Type: Clextral BC 45


  • with high moisture extrusion module
  • with co-extrusie module and crimper cutter

Technical Specifications

• The device is a co-rotating twin-screw extruder

• The extruder consists out of 5 modules of 200 mm

• 1st module: supply opening, cooling circuit

• 2nd to 5th module: heating, cooling circuit

• The diameter of the screw is 55 mm and the screw speed is adjustable between 0 and 612 rpm

• The unit is equipped with an additional closed module with heating

• Each module is equipped with an inlet for liquid injection

• There is also the possibility of steam injection into one of the modules

• The unit is equipped with the ability to carry out co-extrusion (co-extrusion mold, premix with injection system, conveyor belt crimper and cutter)

• The screw elements are interchangeable and include positive and negative conveying elements and kneading elements

• The mold consists of a die plate with 8 circular openings, individually closable

• There are different insert shapes with different diameters available

• The cutter is a rotating plate with 2 or 4-way blades

• The operating temperature is adjustable between 50 and 200 °C

• A High Moisture Extrusion unit can be connected to the exit of the extruder, consisting of 8 cooling modules.


• Design technique for starch, protein, and fat rich foods

• Possibility to produce high moisture extrudates for the production of e.g. meat analogues.

Setting for dry extrusion

Food Pilot

Setting for wet extrusion

Food Pilot

Setting co-extrusion and crimper cutter

Food Pilot

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Broyeur rotor batteur

Food Pilot
Pour la réduction grossière et fine de substances sèches, molles, moyennement dures, organiques et inorganiques